

雅思口语 Part3高频考题的高分回答

2019年07月09日 05:17来源:昆明编辑

摘要:雅思口语 Part3高频考题的高分回答

1 Would you prefer to work for a large company or a small one?你喜欢在大公司还是小公司就职?
It varies. Working for a small company could afford more chances for promotion. If I worked for a large company I might never break through the glass ceiling. 这个需要视情况而定。在小公司工作的话可以获得更多的升迁机会。要是在大公司的话,可能会遇到阻碍升迁的无形障碍。
2 What are the differences between the skills people have now and in the past? 现在,人们拥有的技能与过去相比有什么不同?
I suppose in the past people were more Jack of all trades. For example, they might have been good at carpentry, plumbing, farming and so on. Now people tend to be boxed into one thing. 我觉得过去的人都有些博而不精。比如,他们可能会同时擅长木工手艺活,装水管,耕作等多方面技能。现在,人们更趋向于做好一件事情。
3 How can people learn more about protecting the environment?人们怎样才能学到更多关于环境保护方面的东西?
Well, there are a number of ways. Initially, there is a plethora of information available online, and --in addition--people can also find details in pamphlets and other printed materials. What's more, there's always word of mouth---people should be encouraged to motivate their friends to recycle and use eco-friendly products! 有很多方法。首先,网上有很多关于这一块的信息。另外,人们也可以通过宣传册和其他的印刷材料进行了解。还有我们可以通过口头宣传志愿者们进行口头宣传,去鼓舞和激励他们的朋友们对某些东西重复利用,并使用对生态环境无害的产品。
4 Is the government in your country doing its best to protect the environment?
Well, I personally think they're making a great effort . For example, they're trying to cut down on the amount of products being sold which have aerosol sprays. In additon, they're taking a hard line on deforestation. Still, I think the public can help a great deal too, for example by car pooling and taking empty bottle and cans to the bottle bank.Everyone should do their bit. 我个人认为,政府做了很大的努力。例如政府正在大力缩减喷雾产品的销售。另外,也对森林砍伐采取了强硬措施。但我认为,公众的力量也是不可忽视的。例如他们可以合伙用车,将空瓶子和空罐子放入玻璃回收站。每个人都应该出力。


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