

雅思口语 | Part1话题:Handwriting

2019年08月07日 04:54来源:昆明编辑

摘要:雅思口语 | Part1话题:Handwriting

1 be well-educated and literate 受过教育的
I feel that handwriting allows people to have more opportunity because if you have decent handwriting, people will admire you and you're considered to be both well-educated and literate. 我觉得书法能让人得到更多机会吧。因为如果你的字写得很好的话,人们会比较羡慕你,你也会被认为是那种受过良好教育的人。

2 the more they practice, the better they write 练得越多,写得越好
Children firstly learn the basic elements of the Chinese characters, then the simple characters, and finally the complicated ones. They'll have to do a lot of writing practice to remember them. The more they practice, the better they write. 小孩先学习一些汉字最基本的东西,然后是简单的汉字,最后是负责的字。他们得做一些写字练习来记住。练得越多,写得越好。

3 time-consuming 耗时间的
Handwriting is really time-consuming and hard to share. 书写真的很耗时间,很难分享。

4 have trouble in doing sth. 感到有些困难
I have some trouble in reading her handwriting. 我认她的笔迹感到有些困难。

5 disguise one's handwriting 掩盖某人的笔迹
He disguised his handwriting by writing with his left hand. 他用左手写字来掩盖自己原来的笔迹。

6 neat 工整的
My handwriting has never been very neat. 我的字从来都写得不够工整。

7 slope forward 向前斜
Does your handwriting slope forward or backward? 

8 recognise one's handwriting 认出笔迹
I recognised her handwriting on the envelope. 我认出了信封上她的笔迹。


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