

雅思口语| Part1: Tea and Coffee

2019年12月09日 04:56来源:昆明编辑

摘要:雅思口语| Part1: Tea and Coffee

pleasant smell 怡人的香味

There are only a few truly pleasant smells to wake up to in the morning.It might be the aroma of freshly baked bread, or the scent of your partner's freshly brushed teeth – but for me, it's the smell of freshly brewed coffee.这可在早晨的时候,仅仅只有几种怡人的香味会吸引我们清醒过来。能是新烤的面包香气,或者你伴侣清新的口香—但是对于我,是刚刚煮好的咖啡。

make me jump out of bed 使我从床上跳起来

a gulp of the hot black liquid 喝一大口这种热的黑色液体

Just a sniff of it makes me jump out of bed and rush to the kitchen for a gulp of the hot black liquid.仅仅稍微闻到咖啡的味道就足于使我从床上跳起来,冲到厨房,喝一大口这种热的黑色液体。

coffee connoisseur 喝咖啡方面的行家

If you're a coffee connoisseur, you'll understand that opening a new packet of coffee releases an amazing smell – fresh, roasted coffee beans.如果你是喝咖啡方面的行家,你就明白打开一包新的咖啡会释放出神奇的香味—新鲜,烘烤的咖啡豆。

that smell hits you 咖啡的香气萦绕你的身体

And when you walk into the coffee shop in the morning and that smell hits you, you're getting physiological responses."当你早上走进一家咖啡店的时候,咖啡的香气萦绕你的身体,你会产生生理反应。

espresso  浓缩咖啡

my mouth begins to water in anticipation 我就开始流口水了

I know from experience when I walk into a cafe for my double espresso or flat white, my mouth begins to water in anticipation.我的亲身经历得知当我走进一家咖啡店,要两份浓缩咖啡,或者白咖啡时,我就开始流口水了。

caffeine hit 咖啡因的提神效果

Although it's really the caffeine hit I'm after, it's the smell that makes me feel good.虽然我追求的是咖啡因的提神效果,但是真正使我感觉良好的是它的味道。

sip the liquid through a hole in the lid通过盖子上的一个孔,喝一口

This is particularly the case when I order a coffee to go in a tall paper cup and sip the liquid through a hole in the lid.特别是当我外带一份用高纸杯装的咖啡,然后通过盖子上的一个孔,喝一口。


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