


2017年07月29日 02:10来源:昆明编辑

摘要:对于广大的烤鸭们来说,可能最让大家头疼的就是雅思听力当中的选择题了. 那么针对这种题型,我们到底应该如何应对呢?

对于广大的烤鸭们来说,可能最让大家头疼的就是雅思听力当中的选择题了. 那么针对这种题型,我们到底应该如何应对呢?






32.Pictures of Asiatic lions can be seen on
ancient coins from
B.the Middle East.
33.Asiatic lions disappeared from Europe
A.2,500 years ago.
B.2,000 years ago.
C.1,900 years ago.
34.Very few African lions have
A.a long mane.
B.a coat with varied colours.
C.a fold of skin on their stomach.


31.According to the speaker, it is not clear
A.when the farming economy was introduced to Ireland.
B.why people began to farm in Ireland.
C.where the early Irish farmers came from.
32.What point does the speaker make about breeding animals in Neolithic Ireland?
A.Their numbers must have been above a certain level.
B.They were under threat from wild animals.
C.Some species died out during this period.
33.What does the speaker say about the transportation of animals?
A.Livestock would have limited the distance the farmers could sail.
B.Neolithic boats were too primitive to have been used.
C.Probably only a few breeding animals were imported.
34.What is the main evidence for cereal crops in Neolithic Ireland?
A.The remains of burnt grain in pots
B.The marks left on pots by grains
C.The patterns painted on the surface of pots


好,那么看完这些例题同学们应该清楚我们所指的短选题和长选题是什么样子的了。但到这里还没有完全结束,刚刚的短选例题是一篇出现在section 4 部分的选择题,难点主要是对原文的改写比较多,生词比较多,而且语速相对要更快一些,而一般情况下我们讲的短选题其实多半出现在section 2 部分,偶尔section 1 也有所涉及,但无论在哪个部分出现,我们应该做的最重要的一件事情,就是在考试之前尽努力提升自己的基本听力能力和词汇量,对录音中提及的各种细节做到明确的分辨。当然,除此之外,我们依然有很多可以准备。解题思路如下:







When you start the trek you must be
A.interested in getting fit.
B.already quite fit.
C.already very fit.

首先这几个选项都包含fit 这个关键词,这就意味这我们是要选择对身体健康状况的明确要求,A 选项很好理解,但是B 和C 选项未免有点难以分辨了。

而实际上,quite 在牛津词典的个定义是"to some degree ", 即" 在某种程度上, 相当" 的意思,那么very 的意思则是" to a high degree,extremely ",这样看来,very 是要比quite 的程度更深一些的,刚好对应到我们的听力原文" extremely fit "。


3. 结合选项和常识,预测可能的答案

11.On the holiday, you will be walking for
A.6 days.
B.8 days.
C.10 days.
15.As you walk you will carry
A.all of your belongings.
B.some of your belongings.
C.none of your belongings.


通常情况下,当你要去参加一次为期6-10 天( 根据第11 题的选项) 的徒步旅行时,你一定会有行李,但是在你进行徒步的时候,会选择C 选项( 什么都不携带) 还是选择A 选项( 携带所有行李物品) 呢? 很明显,根据常识,我们更倾向于携带一部分必需品而将其他行李物品放置在住宿地点。所以在这种情况下,我们是可





5. 注意事项
(1) 不符合常识的选项一定不选,如以下例题:

15.The holiday insurance that is offered by
PS Camping
A.can be charged on an annual basis.
B.is included in the price of the holiday.
C.must be taken out at the time of booking.

我们结合题干看A 选项: 由PS 野营公司提供的假日保险可以按年度购买。那么问题来了,游客的目的是进行野营,会有公司要求你按年度购买野营公司提供的保险么? 很明显,不会。所以这就是一个几乎不符合常识的选项,我们判定为错误选项。


(2) 并列选项排除。当选项中的任意两个选项以并列形式出现在录音当中的时候,则需排除这两个选项,去选取剩余选项,如:

16.The Semira region has a long tradition of
A.making carpets.
B.weaving blankets.
C.carving wood.

原文: The area has been famous for centuries for making beautiful carpets, although recently there has been a trend to move into weaving blankets and wood carving.

假设我们漏听了前面提及的making beautiful carpets,但是只要后面我们听到了并列出现的weaving blankets and wood carving 就可以排除这两个选项而去选择A 选项,而录音中其他的提示词也为我们指定了的正确选项, 比如long history 替换 for centuries。


(3) 注意信息分层级,或者所属关系,例如:
13.Which organized activity can children do every day of the week?
C.Model making

原文: Each day kicks off with a sports match, perhaps football, or volleyball,followed by an hour of drama for everyone. This may include singing or dancing, mime or other  activities. In the afternoon, there’s a different art activity for each day of the week, including a poster competition and model making.

题干所表达的信息是:孩子们在每一天都可以做的有组织的活动,所以结合录音文本,每天都可以的是层级信息,即早上sports match,然后一小时drama,下午是art activity. 而像football,volleyball, singing, dancing, mime, poster competition 和model making都不能作为正确选项,因为它们都是第二层级的细节信息,每一天的细节练习情况并不一致,所以最后选 B 选项这个层级的信息。


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