9分词汇 | 学会这25个表达,和歪果仁聊天时更自如!

昆明编辑 2021-05-10 16:03


Sorry to interrupt, but….

Can I add something here….

Is it ok if I jump in for a moment….

If I might add something….

If I may interrupt….

Can I throw my two cents in….

Do you mind if I add something….

Umm, well not really….

Excuse me, but in my opinion….

Are you telling that….

Excuse me for a second, but….

Sorry, but I’m not done yet….

Let me finish what I have to say first….

May I say something here….

Excuse me for interrupting, but….

Sorry to cut you off, but….

Well, that reminds me that….

So, you’re telling me….

I don’t mean to intrude, but….

Well, if that is the case….

Sorry, but can you let me finish….

Wait a minute….

Before you go on, I’d like to saysomething….

Before you move on, I’d like to saysomething….

Just a moment, I like to add somethinghere….


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