



9月8日托福独立写作真题范文 | 课堂上应该禁用电子设备吗?

2018-09-22 12:01来源:互联网责编:昆明新航道

摘要:9月8日托福独立写作真题范文 | 课堂上应该禁用电子设备吗?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Professors should prohibit the use of devices that can connect to the Internet in class.







When a professor walks into a theater, he or she will surely see many students using mobile phones, tablets, or laptops, which they use possibly to record the lecture or take notes. However, this may not be a delightful situation for the professor. As a matter of fact, the professor may find it repulsive. A prohibition on these gadgets is therefore proposed, and I am in favor of it.

The first reason is what worries most people. These Internet-ready devices can be serious distractions. These devices enable students to go on to the Internet during the lecture; however, students cannot guarantee that they are on the web seeking and browsing information related to the topic of the class. Instead, students’ attention may be diverted [divert somebody’s attention]. It is usually drawn by social network messages, entertaining webpages, pop-up windows and alerts of breaking news. In fact, those websites are designed to make visitors stay, and as long as a student is online, he or she is offline from where his or her attention should be [online对应offline的巧妙设计]



The ban is not for the sole purpose of preventing students from being distracted[distract]. When students are focused on the class, they are paying respect to the lecturer, and feeling respected, the lecturer is motivated to dedicate energy to teaching and to interact with the class. For example, a professor, probably aprestigious one, feels uncomfortable in a classroom where learners place their eyes on the small screens and has little desire to share. By marked contrast, in front of students who hold their head up and show eagerness for knowledge in the eye, the lecturer must be delighted [delight] and thus devote his or herheart to teaching. [例证中带有对比论证] In addition, even though that respect is traded for knowledge is not the intent, the display of respect is necessary since it is taken-for-granted that learners be respectful to their instructors. 

In conclusion, it is a good idea to ask students to put away their devices that can connect to the Internet. The benefits are obvious: students’ behavior in the classroom would be regulated [regulate] for the learning effectiveness and the professor’s teaching effectiveness. 


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