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雅思口语| Part3高频题:Travelling

来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-08-11 16:40


1 be flexible with your plans 计划比较灵活
Well, I'd say the good thing about travelling alone is that you get to do what you want, without having to ask for anyone else's opinion. So basically, you can be flexible with your plans. 独自旅行的好处是你可以做任何你想做的事,不用问别人的意见。所以基本上很灵活的。

2 feel lonely at times 有时候觉得孤单
But on the downside, if you're travelling on your own, you might feel lonely at times, especially if you've got no one to talk to. 但坏处是,如果你自己一个人旅行,有时候你会觉得孤单,特别是你想找人说话的时候。

3 travel far away 去很远的地方旅行
Well, looking at the pros, I guess I'd basically say that when you travel far away, you get to see things that you wouldn't normally see where you're from. So, for example, if I went to Africa, I'm sure I would get to see a whole new lifestyle.  谈到去很远的地方旅行的优点,我觉得就是你可以看到你通常看不到的东西,我是说在你平时生活的地方看不到的东西。打比方,如果我去非洲旅行,我很肯定我会看到一种全新的生活方式。

4 be quite stressful and exhausting 压力大而且很累
And as for the cons, travelling a long way can be quite stressful and exhausting, especially if there are delays involved. 至于缺点嘛,我觉得长途旅行会让自己压力比较大而很累,尤其是有延误的时候。

5 long-haul flight 长途飞行
And I know from personal experience that long-haul flights tend to be particularly uncomfortable, as unless you're in business or first class, you have very little leg space, and it's really difficult getting to sleep. So it's often not a great deal of fun, especially if you're travelling on your own. 从我个人的经验来看,长途飞行真的挺不舒服的,除非是在商务舱或者头等舱。一般来说那个放腿的位置都特别窄,好难睡着啊。所以其实挺没意思的,尤其是当你一个人旅行的时候。

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