

雅思口语丨 Part3 常考主题:shopping 购物

2019年04月23日 02:10来源:昆明编辑

摘要:雅思口语丨 Part3 常考主题:shopping 购物

1、 surf and turf 只看不买的网购
Surf and turf refers to when we go to an online store, select lots of things for our virtual shopping basket. But when we get to the checkout, which is the place we pay for our shopping, we don't actually complete the purchase. 只看不买是指我们在网上商店选购了一些商品,然后把它们放进购物车,之后到了付款环节就放弃的行为。

2、 window shopping 只看不买的购物
We walked along Oxford Street but we were only window shopping. 我们沿着牛津街行走,但我们只是溜街看看橱窗。

Just window shopping and browsing in those beautiful stores made me fantasize that I was an elegant rich lady! 仅仅在这些漂亮的店里随便逛逛,我就觉得自己是个又有钱又优雅的女士。

I'll do window shopping to kill time. 我准备去随便逛逛以消磨时间?

3 、discounts all its merchandise 商店的所有商品都打折
The store discounts all its merchandise. 这家商店的所有商品都打折。

4、 bustling block 繁华街区
I seems usual to go shopping with your colleagues during lunch time if there is a bustling block around your workplace. 如果你的单位正好位于繁华街区,趁着午饭时分拉着同事一起去血拼大概也是常事。


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