

雅思口语 10个副词助你词汇8分

2019年05月20日 02:05来源:昆明编辑

摘要:雅思口语 10个副词助你词汇8分

1 adroitly[ə'drɔitli] 机敏地,灵巧地adv.
The boss handled this situation adroitly. 我的老板灵活地处理了这个问题。

2 blatantly ['bleitəntli]公然地,露骨地adv.
This is blatantly wrong. 这错得太明显了。
He was blatantly rude. 他也太粗鲁了。

3 listlessly  ['lɪstlɪsli]无精打采地adv.
She had been watching TV and listlessly answering my questions. 她一直在看着电视,无精打采地回答着我的问题。
He pecked listlessly at his breakfast of egg and bacon. 早餐时,他无精打采,只吃了一点鸡蛋和咸肉。
A dog is lying listlessly at the foot of the wall like a snake, putting out its tongue in order to dissipate heat. 狗是在无精打采地躺在脚下的墙像一条蛇,把它的舌头,以便散热。

4 invariably[ɪn'veərɪəblɪ] 始终如一地adv.
When questioned, he invariably dummy up. 一问到他,他总是不吱声。

5 momentarily  ['məʊm(ə)nt(ə)rɪlɪ; ,məʊm(ə)n'terɪlɪ]片刻地,短暂地,马上adv.
When he came up out of the subway,he was momentarily disoriented. 当他走出地铁时,他暂时迷失了方向。
"My husband will be here momentarily," Sophia informed them.“我丈夫马上就到,”索菲娅告诉他们。

6 promptly['prɒm(p)tlɪ] 准时地,守时地,立刻地adv.
If there is any difficulty, please let us know promptly. 倘有困难, 请迅速通知我们。
Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled Ralphout. 埃德娜迅速的跳进水里去救他,她潜到水底把拉尔夫拉出了水面。

7 outwardly ['aʊtwədli] adv. 表面地adv.
They may feel tired, and though outwardly calm, can be irritable.他们可能觉得累,所以尽管表面上平静,却可能容易发怒。

8 unstintingly 慷慨地,大方地,不遗余力地adv.
Since then, he has worked unstintingly for the good of the game, in Manchester,England and much further afield, earning him recognition around the globe as a trueambassador of football. 在那之后,他一直在为足球运动不遗余力地工作着,无论是在曼彻斯特,英格兰,还是更远的其他地方。 这也使他成为世界公认的一位真正的足球大使。

9 tearfully  ['tiəfulli]泪汪汪地adv.
Dad takes him to the bar and tearfully tells the son he is proud of him. 父亲带儿子酒吧,含泪告诉儿子,他对他感到自豪。

10 scathingly ['skeiðiŋli]严厉地,尖刻地adv.
I was scathingly criticised by the teacher. 我被老师严厉批评啦。


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