1 the elephant in the room 显而易见而又被忽略的事实
I think you are talking about the elephant in the room. 我觉得你在讲显而易见而又容易被忽略的问题。
2 no two ways about it 别无选择
There are no two ways about it! 别无选择!
3 a cornucopia [,kɔ:nju'kəupjə]of 许多,大量 , 装满花果及谷穗表丰饶的羊角状物(很的表达=many)
a cornucopia of reasons 很多原因
a cornucopia of advantages 很多优点
4 a quantum ['kwɔntəm]leap 巨大突破
A vaccine which can halt this suffering represents a quantum leap in healthcare in this country.一种能终结这种苦楚的疫苗代表了该国在医疗保健方面的一次巨大进步。
5 the corridors of power 政府高层 =government
I guess the corridors of power could build some homeless shelters where people who had no money could eat and sleep. 我认为政府应该建一些收容所,为那些无家可归,身无分文的人提供食物和住处。
6 every Tom, Dick and Harry =people 不论张三还是李四。任何一个普通人,无特殊技能的人
In my country, every Tom, Dick and Harry could land a job. 在我的国家,每个人都能找到工作。