

雅思写作句型 ——主语+不及物动词

2017年09月03日 03:00来源:昆明编辑

摘要:雅思写作句型 ——主语+不及物动词


1. Young people without tertiary education qualifications normally end up working in low-skilled jobs.
P.S. tertiary education=university education
Extension: There is a widely held notion that young people without tertiary education qualifications normally end up working in low-skilled jobs and this can compromise the quality of life.              


2. Some people disapprove of genetically modified food.
Extension: Some people disapprove of genetically modified food, as they believe that this type of food does more harm than good.

3. In a highly competitive society, working adults usually focus on career advancement.
Extension: In a highly competitive society, working adults usually focus on career advancement, and have difficulty in achieving work-life balance.


4. Perception of beauty differs from culture to culture.


5. The impact of computers on communication skills varies across ages.
Extension: The impact of computers on communication skills varies across ages and teachers have mixed feelings on the usage of computers.


6. The aging population has prompted countries to raise the statutory retirement age. (法定退休年龄)
Extension: The aging population leads to a shortage of highly skilled workers, a problem which has prompted countries to raise the statutory retirement age


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