


2017年05月05日 03:57来源:昆明编辑

摘要:昆明新航道托福小编给托福考生们带来了托福独立口语:Do you think 16 yearresponsible enough to drive olds are ?祝广大托福考生能够取得理想成绩。

  昆明新航道托福小编给托福考生们带来了托福独立口语:Do you think 16 yearresponsible enough to drive olds are ?祝广大托福考生能够取得理想成绩。


   托福口语题目:Do you think 16 year olds are responsible enough to drive? Please include specific details in your explanation.


  I do not agree that people that age are responsible enough to drive.

  First, driving can be very dangerous if one is not careful, and teens are often careless and easily distracted while driving. This is one reason they should not be permitted to drive.

  Second, teens are known for texting on their cell phones, playing music via car stereos, eating food, and socializing with friends while driving.it has been proven that teens cause more road accidents than adults, who tend to be more attentive and responsible. To keep traffic deaths down, I think teens should be required to wait until they're 18 years old to drive.

  I think the legal driving age should be raised to 18.



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