

雅思口语 | Part1: Transportation 交通

2019年08月27日 12:02来源:昆明编辑

摘要:雅思口语 | Part1: Transportation 交通

1 ride ebikes 骑电动车
Well, people in my hometown always seem to ride ebikes to go to work or somewhere else, because my hometown is a small town and it's very convenient to go out by ebikes.  我们家乡的人总是骑电动车去工作之类的。因为我家乡是个小城镇,所以骑电动车出去很方便。
2 is relatively very fast 相对比较快
Well, between the two, travelling by plane is relatively very fast. For example, it just takes three hours for me to go to Beijing but it is quite
expensive; on the other hand, travelling by trains is an increasingly cost-effective alternative to planes, particularly if I'm going a relatively short distance. 这两者相比,我觉得乘飞机出行相对比较快。比方说,去北京只需要3个小时,但是有点贵;而火车性价比比较高,尤其是当我短途出行的时候。 
3 babble /'bæb(ə)l/嘈杂的声音
We squeezed into the train over the babble and the scraping of heavy trunks.在人群嗡嗡的说话声和拖拉笨重行李的嘈杂声中,我们强行挤上火车。
4 a platform packed with people 挤满旅客的站台
A train was waiting next to a platform packed with people.一辆火车停靠在挤满旅客的站台旁。
5 hop off the train 跳下车去
 He hopped off the train.他跳下车去。


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