2019年10月10日 02:32来源:昆明编辑
摘要:支招小作文 | 雅思小作文高分范文:线图来了!
☟☟☟ ☟☟☟ The four lines are the illustrations of the four types of car ownership ←会这个词,对于这个主题的写作尤其重要,因为可以极大地精简措辞。 in the UK over a 30-year period of 1975 to 2005. The one-car ownership and the ownership of more than two cars were noticeable, since the two types of ownership kept growing during the period,←永远用“总——分”结构展开,先描述分组和趋势。然后写每条线的具体→ one from 40 percent to 55 percent and the other from 5 percent to 10 percent. It is also noteworthy that the highest percentage and the lowest were in those two categories. 分组清晰:上升两条线写完,接下来写下降两条线 Households that own two cars and households with no car accounted for decreasing proportions. ←永远用“总——分”结构展开,先描述分组和趋势。然后写每条线的具体→ The slump in the two-car ownership was constant. A quarter of UK households had two cars in 1975, and in 2005, one household out of ten had two cars. In terms of the proportion of households with no car, the decrease(30 percent to 20 percent) was interrupted by a 5-percent slight increase between 1985 and 1998. Overall, the period witnessed varying changes of the car ownership, in four types, in the UK. 注意主语(文中黑体加下划线的单词)的多样性。 雅思小作文题目二 ☟☟☟ ☟☟☟ The three lines are illustrations of a European country’s production of three types of forestry goods between 1980 and 2000. 强烈建议把与其它线有交点的线最后写, 于是pulp最后写。 分组是为了让写作的内容有组织, 从而在CC评分项得分。 The production of timber and that of paper both doubled over the period, and the patterns of increase were highly similar, despite the widening gap between the amounts. ←永远用“总——分”结构展开,先描述分组和趋势。然后写每条线的具体→5 tons of timber were produced in 1980, and with a continuous growth, which accelerated in the last 5 years, the figure reached 10 tons in 2000. During the course of time, the country produced 4 tons of paper in 1980, and after the stagnancy at 6 tons, the production grew quickly to 8 tons. Pulp was different from timber or paper. Its production started at the original level of timber and soon surged to the all-time high (8 tons), and thenplunged to 4 tons, a major point of the period. It continued decreasing, afterwards, yet in a sluggish way and reached the all-time low. Thesubsequentyears saw a slow return to 4 tons. It is notable that, during the fall, the country produced pulp less than timber and paper one after one. Overall, the two decades witnessed varying tendencies of the production of those forestry goods. 注意主语(文中黑体加下划线的单词)的多样性。