

When Was the Last Time You Took On a New Challenge?

2017年07月29日 02:51来源:昆明编辑

摘要:我们时常下定决心要挑战自我(challenge ourselves),尝试一些新事物,却因为各种原因没有坚持下去,这股热情总是很快消退(the energy starts to wane)。这些原因包括太费时间,没有动力,没有额外的精力等等。

我们时常下定决心要挑战自我(challenge ourselves),尝试一些新事物,却因为各种原因没有坚持下去,这股热情总是很快消退(the energy starts to wane)。这些原因包括太费时间,没有动力,没有额外的精力等等。



01、原 文 
Becoming proficient at something takes too much time, we lose motivation to practice, we struggle to pay attention in class after a long day at work — the list of reasons goes on.
Become proficient at (sth./doing sth.) 
Struggle to (do sth.) 


02、然而,有那么一种人被称为“superagers”,即“那些即使到了八十岁也仍然在学术,专业和体力上以极高的水准履行职责的人们”【people who function at extremely high levels (academically, professionally, and physically】well into their eighties),他们在关于记忆力和注意力的测试上的表现可以和年龄是他们三分之一的那些人匹敌(Their performance on tests of memory and concentration is comparable to people one-third their age)。
而这是为什么呢?调查显示,这些人或多或少都参与了一些有难度的体力或脑力活动(engaged in difficult physical and mental tasks),正是这些活动使得他们的脑力维持活力。


原 文 

By pushing themselves into challenging efforts that were outside their comfort zones, rather than engaging in leisurely activities, as others their age did, the superagers seemed to enhance their attention and memory skills. Unusually large amounts of activity in parts of the brain tied to emotional functioning, including communication, stress management, and sensory coordination. Additional studies are being done to determine which difficult tasks could be the most beneficial for cognitive abilities, but the scientists suggest that mastering a new skill could have the same positive effect on brain development.


Push oneself into (doing sth.)  
Comfort zones 
Emotional functioning 
Sensory coordination 
Cognitive abilities 


03、除了对大脑的积极作用(positive effect)之外,走出舒适区还有其它方面的有益影响(beneficial impact),比如对人们的人际交往。

原 文 

As to the effect of their pursuits on their relationships, it benefited their relationships with colleagues. The majority reported that through their endeavor they had met people with whom they might work with professionally in the future.



04、除了人际交往方面,这对人们的健康状况有所提升(improve their well-being),从而变得更加有效率(more productive),对自己职业地位也会有更好的理解和欣赏能力(gained a better understanding of or appreciation for their professional role)。


原 文 

Some of the benefits related to their own well-being, to acquiring new technical skills, or to spending time with colleagues outside of work.



原 文 

Other research has shown that learning something hard can help expand our creativity.



原 文 

The broader benefits of pushing ourselves may be positive for colleague relationships, productivity, and task comprehension. Plus, acquiring new skills is enjoyable.


所以,如果你因为困难程度或者是时间安排而考虑放弃一件挑战自我的事情,这篇文章可能会为你打一下鸡血(offer a new incentive),让你能够坚持下去(stick with it)。





原 文 

When Was the Last Time You Took On a New Challenge?

Each January brings a renewed desire to challenge ourselves and learn something new. But by February the energy starts to wane. Becoming proficient at something takes too much time, we lose motivation to practice, we struggle to pay attention in class after a long day at work — the list of reasons goes on. 


I recently came across some motivation to stick with a new pursuit. A few weeks ago I read an article in the New York Times about “superagers,” people who function at extremely high levels (academically, professionally, and physically) well into their eighties. Their performance on tests of memory and concentration is comparable to people one-third their age.


All the superagers engaged in difficult physical and mental tasks, such as tennis or bridge, regularly. By pushing themselves into challenging efforts that were outside their comfort zones, rather than engaging in leisurely activities, as others their age did, the superagers seemed to enhance their attention and memory skills. When researchers scanned the brains of 17 superagers, they found unusually large amounts of activity in parts of the brain tied to emotional functioning, including communication, stress management, and sensory coordination. Additional studies are being done to determine which difficult tasks could be the most beneficial for cognitive abilities, but the scientists suggest that mastering a new skill could have the same positive effect on brain development.


I surveyed 260 CEOs and executives in for-profit and nonprofit sectors to find out whether they had recently undertaken a new pursuit. I wanted to learn if they saw any impact on their overall well-being, professionally or personally. 53% of the responses were from men and 47% were from women.


The majority (60%) of respondents reported that they had begun a new challenge in the past two years. The most common pursuit was a sport or a physical activity (38% of people). The other top responses were: starting a new work-related project (11%), studying something new (10%), and teaching or writing (10%). Other options, including playing music, creating art, and playing games such as bridge, were cited by 8% of people. And 34% reported devoting 10 hours or more a week to their new activity.


All respondents found their new endeavor “hard,” but half of them characterized it as “mentally” challenging, while the other half called it either physically challenging or a combined mental and physical effort. Two-thirds rated the difficulty as outside their comfort zone.


When asked how the new activity was impacting their lives, most people said it was positive. 88% of the survey group reported experiencing a beneficial impact. More than half the respondents considered the impact on their work life to be positive, and 83% said that the new activity had improved their well-being. Only 11% admitted to being slightly less productive at work due to their new activity, while 52% reported being more productive.


As to the effect of their pursuits on their relationships, 34% felt it benefited their relationships with colleagues. The majority reported that through their endeavor they had met people with whom they might work with professionally in the future.


I asked if this effort helped them develop a better understanding of their job. While 42% said there was no effect, 58% felt that they had gained a better understanding of or appreciation for their professional role. Some of the benefits related to their own well-being, to acquiring new technical skills, or to spending time with colleagues outside of work.


Other research has shown that learning something hard can help expand our creativity. And although it seems unlikely that swimming an open water race or learning to paint would help in one’s job of writing software or managing employees, the broader benefits of pushing ourselves may be positive for colleague relationships, productivity, and task comprehension. Plus, acquiring new skills is enjoyable.


So, if you are considering giving up on your latest effort at self-improvement because it’s just too hard or you don’t have enough time, these survey results might offer a new incentive to stick with it. Even the respondents who had not embarked on a new activity seemed to perceive a benefit – over 26% said they would likely begin one next year.


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